A1) flash lhe phone higher version via usb or Fbus
2) usb flashing time computer show usb error?
must check usb connector usb controll driver(remove usb esd)

usb flashing and fbus flash 100% done?but phone same nokia logo then trun off?
B1) open handset then check display connector or change display(display also make this problem)

2) remove camera and power on phone with battery,phone still same problem(nokialogo then trun off

3) check vcore,vio,vdram vrfc volt
this 4 volt controlled by combo ic
vdram,vrfc,vio volt controlled by AVILMA
Vcore controlled by BETTY
this 4 volt is prefect???then one thing is conformed avilma betty working fine

4) reflow or change keypad ic
5) Remove MMC ic
6) BT ic also make this problem(6120 75% nokia trun off bt ic)
7) finaly reflow or change combo ic
Respected viewers if you have any openion please post here its healpfull to all.
only nokia logo hang(5130,2690,2700c ect with light or withouT light) solution testedfirst of all flash with latest version if no
then remove camera if no then finally
replace bt ic shown in picture.
Just rehot this avilma.
Hpre your problem will be solve.

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